Illusion of Plans

Illusion of Plans
Plans in the field of architecture are coherent combinations of ideas that the architect wishes to communicate through the resulting structure. These plans showcase intentions that then become the driving purpose. Without proper planning, the building or space would simply be a cluster of materials. Plans are mere delusion for the human eye, if the executed structure does not convey ... Read More

Diversity of Architectural Genres and their Aesthetic Values

Diversity of Architectural Genres
The value of certain design styles is measured by a series of factors; how it impacts the beauty of the environment, its importance during the time and place of origin, how relevant it is to the existing community and its culture, but too about the effect it has on the viewers. An architectural style can gain value if it contributes ... Read More

Different Zoning Styles

Architecture design
Categorizing land use and properties across a wide geographic area is a process known as zoning. This process seems to be an effective tool for urban planning and development. City maps demonstrate communities to be divided according to their respective uses – residential, commercial, industrial, recreational and public facilities.  Division enables the authorities to keep track of land use and ... Read More

Kitchen Plan and Grand Design

Grand Kitchen Plan and Design
Modern-day kitchen furniture layout is known to be modular, especially designed to optimize functionality and the use of space. These kitchens use various modules (units) of cabinets that are crafted out of diverse materials and hold kitchen accessories inside. The basic structure of a modular kitchen is extremely practical.   Space Criterion Whats Decides the Size of a Kitchen? The ... Read More

High Rise and Beyond

High Rise and Beyond
With land becoming scarce as the world's population grows as the world's population grows and environmental changes shrinking the amount of livable space on Earth, some architects say the solution is to build upwards. Proposed structures can be up to 400 floors, containing all the components of a city from housing and hospitals to universities and muncipal departments. Advocates say ... Read More

Aquatecture (Water & Architecture)

Water plays a vital role in shaping our built environment. We depend on it, we use it, we live with it and we must respect it. Exploring innovative technologies that let us live on and within water, Aquatecture puts forward the notion that progress within Architecture & Design relies on the responsible and sustainable consumption of all resources. Not only ... Read More

Clifton and Defence – Liveable City Karachi

Architecture design
Landscape conducted a preliminary design study for Clifton and Defence areas, to make them Karachi’s revitalized city spaces. The study recommended enhanced street design through landscaping solutions with emphasis on pedestrian rights. Design solutions included introduction of shared open spaces in public areas such as Abdullah Shah Ghazi’s Mausoleum and McDonalds at Seaview with plantations of local species, public seating ... Read More

Light Weight And Energy Efficient Bricks

As the world is progressing, more people are researching on the ‘Green Building Index’ and are trying to figure out new ways of improving the methods of construction, in order to make the infrastructure more sustainable. Although, bricks are essential components of construction, not much focus has been paid towards their sustainability. Keeping sustainability in mind, ‘Green Energy Bricks’ have ... Read More

A Comparative Study Between Post Tension & RCC Design

The type of concrete which is pre-stressed before the application of live load to the member is called Post Tension Concrete. Its purpose is to improve the performance of concrete in service and to counteract the external stress load to a certain degree. High-strength 'tendons' located within the concrete slab or beam are tensioned to introduce this level of compression ... Read More

A Guide to Cladding

Architecture design
Cladding is a facing material that is either fixed directly to the wall (as in stone cladding) or nailed on to timber battens (as in feather edge or shiplap boarding). Its purpose is to protect the wall beneath and add to the aesthetic appeal of the building. What’s more, well designed, properly installed and high quality cladding can help to ... Read More