Convention Centre – Architecture in Karachi

Aerial View of the Convention Centre

A Narrative of Space

The design phase of an architecture project involves a variety of rigorous steps. From site analysis, to conceptual schematics, to architecture plan drawings, an architect needs to possess meticulous attention to detail throughout and fully consider all the site conditions and produce a resulting design optimal for the context. Environmental factors, urban networks, surrounding architecture, and site approach are just a few of the features taken into consideration when designing a commercial + residential convention centre over a 2.5 acre plot of land in Karachi.

A narrative is created from the site entrance as the sequence of spaces over the plot creates a journey which spans through various degrees of privacy. This entails a format of spaces developing from open to close as the building progresses, starting off as public green areas, and leading to spaces of varying function, including communal spaces as well as suites and hotel rooms. A linear experience leads one entering the site to the main entrance of the building and, subsequently, the basement parking. This entrance is further emphasized by a cantilevered massing of upper floors extending over the entry point, creating shaded space as well as implying importance to the region. On the other hand, another major entrance branches in from a central piazza defined by the U-shaped massing of the building and leads to a lobby which opens up to spaces of higher public propensity.

Convention Centre Plan

Convention Centre Plan

The lobby at the center of the building branches off into the convention hall, or the shopping arcade, creating layers of publicity presented in different formats, while the levels above the lobby support functions of a higher degree of privacy such as suites and hotel rooms. The other lobby may lead directly to the convention hall or the hotel rooms. Subsequently, branching from the hotel rooms are recreational spaces which enable users to experience a format of leisure exclusive to the pool of individuals who reside there. Furthermore, a roof garden supplements the public spaces present on the ground level by existing on a plane surreal in comparison to street level due to its elevation and resulting views.

An alternate approach to the building can be taken via the shopping arcade’s stepped form which extends itself from the green public space and connects the two masses of different heights. This enables the user to experience the roof garden above the hotel rooms which complements the public spaces present on the ground level by existing on a plane surreal in comparison to street level due to its elevation and resulting views. These forms generate a building which is well in-tune with the architecture in Karachi yet standing out on its own.

Aerial View of the Convention Centre

Aerial View of the Convention Centre

Architects for Commercial Projects

As observed here, the attention to detail when developing an architectural project goes beyond intuition, and the ability to produce a successful design requires a reliable architect for commercial projects as well as the services involved with constructing the proposed project. These services are increasingly difficult to find yet can be provided consistently and with great awareness through each step at Landscape PLC, where commercial projects such as the Convention center and a plethora of other projects have been devised.